Ink And Watercolor Count?
Edgar Allen Poe American Author
I have not been following any of the prompts, I just started drawing, which is what I reckoned was the whole point.
Sour, Spirit, Pressure, Stuck
This is amazing!! As a beginner mural artist this got me out of my artist block!(similar to writers block) Keep going!
Not Following Prompts, Just Daring To Sketch With A Pen
Inktober 2021 First 9 Days
Mark Twain. American Author
The First 17 Days Of Inktober. All 100% Pointillism
You can see more of my inktober art at
William Burroughs. American Author
Herman Melville, American Author. Sketchbook And Micron Pen
Prompt: Pressure. Depicting Pressure From Society To Fit Into A Mould
Mermaid Sketchbook And Micron Pen
Friday Day 1
Ink And Water (After A Photograph)
Here’s My One For Crystal (I Promise It Makes More Sense In Context)
Check Out Otto_von_glumm On Instagram!!
Just Like How Moon Goes Through Phases, We Humans Also Go Through Phases! #inktober2021 #moon
Saturday Day 2.
Day 1: Crystal
A Melting Eye With Icecream . I Call It Eyescream
From 2015 | But Now He Looks Like Roy Kent. #heseverywhere!
Prompt Was Eyes, And As A Supernatural Nerd I Couldn't Resist Drawing Cas As Well
Watch Day 8
Day 16: Compass
Howard Phillips Lovecraft. American Author Sketchbook Micron Pen
I Hope You Like Koi Fishes :d
Day 7 - Fan
There Not All In Order But Here They Are. This Is My First Time Doing Inktober
@inktober2021 Day 8: Watch
Inktober-6.spirit (Slightly Inspired)
Day 8 - Watch And Day 9 - Pressure
I've Been Designing A Set Of Dice For Every Day Of Of October. Here's Some Of My Favies
Stuck Since 1920 @imaginkate
Moon Drawing.
My Take On "Watch"
Points Of The Compass.
Some Of My Favorites
My Extinct (Sneak Peek)
Days 1-8
Raven. Branwell From The Tower Of London.
Risk (Sneak Peek)
Minimalist design. Would love to recreate this in realistic 3D render (I'm a 3D Visualiser)
These Were My Drawings For The "Moon" And "Roof" Prompts.
“Rocking Raven”
My Favourite Warrior Cats Leader - Crookedstar
Going For 21st Century Medieval Vibe This Year
(Bp wont let me post it, apparently its not big enough) I drew this for Raven inktober-6...0c-png.jpg
Wouldn´t it be prudent to begin the article with explaining what Inktober and that list are supposed to mean?
Hey Fred, Inktober is an annual art event where people from all over the world create various works of art, based on the prompt for that day. Each number on the chart is a day and prompt. The artist interprets the prompt any way they want. It started out as just inked drawings, hence the name. Hope that clarified.
Load More Replies...(Bp wont let me post it, apparently its not big enough) I drew this for Raven inktober-6...0c-png.jpg
Wouldn´t it be prudent to begin the article with explaining what Inktober and that list are supposed to mean?
Hey Fred, Inktober is an annual art event where people from all over the world create various works of art, based on the prompt for that day. Each number on the chart is a day and prompt. The artist interprets the prompt any way they want. It started out as just inked drawings, hence the name. Hope that clarified.
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